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San Antonio Archbishop García-Siller Deletes Social Media Posts About Gaza War, Says He ‘Deeply Regrets ... Misunderstanding’

No Church, no witness to the world. No Eucharist, no Church. And no priests, no Eucharist...
Francis X. Maier
The philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre once described humans as “dependent, rational animals,” arguing in his text that, as creatures, we need the virtues. This makes sense, because none of us is really “independent” or “self-sufficient.” Each of us is imperfect. We need others to complete and support us. They need us for the same reason...

How to Manage (and Even Embrace) Transition as a Priest...
Patrick Lencioni
Transition is a challenge that every priest encounters but how do you not only navigate but embrace it. Oftentimes the challenge comes not singularly in the change but primarily in the loss. When these losses come it is absolutely necessary that our priests come to terms, respond, ceremonialize, and finally ask for a brother or member of Christ who reminds and encourages them of their purpose, picture, plan, and part to play in the midst of that loss.

The Nature of the Moment...

Midwest Catholicism Is Humble, Yet Powerful — Just Like Mary...
Jonathan Liedl
Midwesterners are used to being overlooked. After all, this is the part of the U.S. known as “flyover country” by coastal denizens. Even the region’s most prominent metropolis, Chicago, is known as “The Second City,” a nickname that originated as a put-down, made by a visiting journalist from the nation’s “first city,” New York.

God will not just raise you from the dead someday — He will transform you in the body you have...

‘Veritatis Splendor’ priests expected to leave Tyler diocese...

Strange Phenomena and Spiritual Warfare: A Catholic Convert’s Testimony...

The Communion Conundrum...
Marlon De La Torre
The Easter season provides an opportunity to celebrate the life and death of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the Cross brought light to the world conquering sin and death, his destruction of the works of the Devil, and the opening of the gates of heaven...

As an Underwater Graveyard, the Great Lakes Have Claimed Close to 10,000 Ships...

Looking Ahead to the Ascension...

Jesus Is Always Your Friend...
Fr. Victor Feltes
At the Last Supper, Jesus told his apostles, “I have called you friends ...” He calls them friends and he does not lie; what Jesus speaks is true. And then he tells them, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” But what if we, or they, do not do what Christ commands? Does the Lord remain a friend towards us even when we are not being a friend towards him?

Pope Francis Appoints Msgr. John McDermott as New Bishop of Burlington, Vermont...

A Paradigm Shift from Veritatis Splendor to Amoris Laetitia?

Meet Mother Marla Marie, who left the Washington Post (where she worked for Herblock) for the Maronite convent...

Ethan Hawke didn’t make ‘Wildcat’ to be a blockbuster. He made it to be good art. And he succeeded...
Fr. Damian Ference
I am convinced the primary reason Flannery O’Connor was so serious about her Catholic faith is that it was the one place where she experienced being seen and understood and loved; it was the one place in which she felt that she fit—that she belonged, because at the center of Catholicism is a crucified misfit...

‘Renew and Deepen ... Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,’ Says Pope Francis on 350th Anniversary of St. Margaret Mary Apparitions...

Have you ever heard of this Navy tradition? Babies are baptized in the ship’s bell...

What Our Lord did is awfully strange. For starters: How, exactly, did Jesus ‘Ascend?’...
Tom Hoopes
The Easter Season is drawing to a close after 40 days. Before he left the earth behind, Jesus went to great lengths to show us what he wants us to do after he is gone, and it’s on clear display on the Ascension of the Lord and the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Before we get to what he wants, though, let’s focus on what he did.

Being 'Triggered' By Mother's Day Proves Our Need For Moms...
Carrie Gress
Mother’s Day seems as American as apple pie. It used to be the biggest day of the year for telephone companies, with many calling their mom only to hear: “All circuits are busy. Try your call later.” Of late, however, it has become controversial to even talk about Mother’s Day. The cancel culture has come to call.

Who is Setting the Tone at Home? Here Are 3 Suggestions...
John Cuddeback
How I think about marriage and homelife is much affected by life with my wife. I must remind myself not to universalize too quickly or without nuance. Yet I think what I’ve seen with my eyes, and felt in my heart, does point to something that goes beyond the contingencies of my experience. Woman has a natural inclination, we could say ‘genius,’ in setting the tone of life in the home.

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr of Cincinnati Diagnosed With Cancer, Will Begin Chemotherapy Treatment...

Hitting the Bricks, 750th Anniversary of Lyons II, and the News...
J.D. Flynn
If the reference seems a bit obscure, I apologize. But Lyons II, which opened 750 years ago today, was attended by about 500 bishops, almost 100 abbots, and emissaries from governments and hierarchies across Eastern and Western Europe. It’s an important one, at which the Council Father resolved that the Church...

Vatican to Publish New Document on Marian Apparitions ‘and Other Supernatural Phenomena’ Next Friday, May 17...

The Miraculous Medal Is Ireland’s Hope, and Ours...

‘Wildcat’ lacks O’Connor’s oddness, but brims with passion...
Deacon Steven Greydanus
Ethan Hawke’s Wildcat opens, very nearly, with a familiar scenario: a dispiriting encounter between a young artist with an exacting creative vision and a conventional corporate gatekeeper with a checklist approach to what sells. The scene depicts a real-life exchange between 24-year-old Mary Flannery O’Connor (played by Maya Hawke, the director’s daughter) and her editor at Holt Rinehart regarding her unfinished novel Wise Blood...

No, the Resurrection is not a wonderful symbol of hope...
David Mills
Last Epiphany, my wife and I had our annual debate over whether to take down the Christmas tree. She has a weird dislike of finding pine needles on the floor. I don’t understand it. She invokes the tradition of Christmas lasting through Epiphany. I argue that grace overflows the traditional rules, and that keeping up the Christmas tree beautifully symbolizes that truth...

The story behind the hidden persecution of Christians in Nicaragua...

If 2+2=4, Then God Exists...
Christopher Kaczor
Aristotle, Anselm, Aquinas, Liebniz, and William Lane Craig provide famous reasons to believe that God exists. Less well known is a way proposed by the African intellectual Augustine. In his fantastic book Five Proofs of the Existence of God, Edward Feser explains this argument at length. Inspired by Augustine, let’s begin with the reality that 2+2=4.

On the Paradoxical Connection Between Love, Law and Joy...

Pope’s Sunday Regina Coeli: Jesus ‘Wants Your Good and He Wants You to Share in His’...

The AP offers an outsider's view of the Catholic Church...

‘Wildcat’ sheds light on Flannery O'Connor's faith and fiction and leaves audience searching for grace...

This Sunday, On the Way to the Cross, Jesus Shared ‘God’s Innermost Secret’...

Why does God try to kill Moses in Exodus 4?

Get this entire Catholic website as an instant digital download...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — and it's only $19.99...


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